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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Highland Loops Trail Race 2016

I can't remember when I first caught word of this new race, but I am so glad that I did.  I suppose it must have been on the RunMichigan calendar as I looked for trail race opportunities that I first learned of it and immediately it looked like something worth trying.  I soon figured out this was an inaugural race and so an opportunity to join the fun on the ground floor.  

From the moment I first set eyes on the website and began to check out the course I was pleased with what I saw.  The thought of running 16 miles in the Highland Rec area, which I'd never been to, looked like a very pleasing place to be.  

As the months and then weeks rolled by towards May I certainly grew anxious to give this race a try.  Two weeks prior I was able to find an opportunity to stop by and give the trails a test run.  I ran the A-loop with the possibility of also running the B-loop.  I was amazed at the tight corners and the overall winding nature of the trail.  I ended up only running the A-loop that day but I felt at least I knew more of what I was getting into for race day.

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