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Friday, April 10, 2020

Nothing is meant to last forever, except...

[Originally published in the Monroe News on April 9, 2020]

Nothing is meant to last forever.  I know we’d like to think otherwise.  We definitely attempt to make things last forever.  I’m the first to admit I have delusions of grandeur when it comes to making things last.  I have this silly mindset that sets in when I purchase something new that I fall in love with.  This happens a lot when I purchase new gear for backpacking or camping with the family. I look at how fun or useful this new item of gear is and my thought immediately becomes: “Oh, I hope this lasts forever.”  I’ve seen how things wear out over time, and I don’t like it.

Over Black Friday 2019 I was able to purchase a large new family tent to meet the needs of our growing family.  With aspirations of using it a lot this coming summer my boys and I have tried it out in our backyard during this time of social quarantine.  Its great. We love it. The tent has room for everybody, has places to put your gear, it even allows the rainfly to peel back letting the campers sleep under the stars.  I truly would like for this tent to last forever. Will it? Well I think you know.

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