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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Greater Love

[Originally published in the Monroe News on April 22, 2022]

A few weeks back on March 21 our family was returning home from visiting family in Virginia.  On our drive through the gorgeous landscape of Pennsylvania we made the decision to stop at the Flight 93 National Memorial.  What an amazing place.  It is a museum, a memorial, and a beautiful park dedicated to the remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy and those passengers on Flight 93 who caused the plane to crash in Shanksville, PA.  

When 9/11 happened I was in college and I still have vivid memories of getting ready for work that morning and watching events transpire on television.  I remember following all the stories as events unfurled in New York, Washington and eventually Pennsylvania. The stories of first responders having entered the twin towers and being lost when they crumbled.  The stories of human beings helping one another, even endangering themselves to save other lives.  This is what hit me as our family slowly made our way through the museum at the Flight 93 Memorial.  

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