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⛰ My blog also contains numerous Trip Reports from adventures I've had.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms 500th

 [Originally published in the Monroe News on May 21, 2021]

It is not very often we get to celebrate the 500th anniversary of a momentous event in history, and yet just around a month ago that is exactly what happened.  It is an event you may or may not know well by name, but I assure you the lasting effects of this event are still known by every one of us to this day.  The event I speak of is called the Diet of Worms. It was an imperial meeting involving Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire as well as nobles and other leaders from the Roman church and the lands of Germany.  While they had many matters of business to discuss there was one day involving one individual that stands out above all the rest.  On April 18, 1521 a German monk named Martin Luther was called before the Diet to recant his writings and teaching. It became a day never to be forgotten.

Martin Luther had already been declared a heretic by the Roman church and Pope Leo X and the Diet of Worms was to be the Emperor’s moment to once and for all stop Luther and his works.  A representative of the pope presented before the assembly all the written works of Luther and asked him if he would recant them.  Ultimately, Luther refused.  His response is of particular interest to us still to this day because I believe, alongside many others, that his response helped to change the course of history and the very relationship between the human conscience and earthly authorities.  This was Luther’s response:

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

First Landing State Park Trail Mix (Virginia)

Cape Henry Trail to Bald Cypress Trail to Cape Henry Trail to Kingfisher Trail to Long Creek Trail to Cape Henry Trail to Long Creek Trail to Cape Henry Trail.
Trailhead Elevation: 10 ft.
Distance: 12.00 mi. (my Forerunner 235)
Elevation Gain: 179 ft. (my Forerunner 235)
Start Time: 6:38am
End Time: 8:53am

Trip Report:
Norfolk has a trail-running and hiking gem in First Landing State Park. It is an easily accessible and beautiful place with more than enough trail options to make regular return visits. I know if I lived here that would be true for me. This was a vacation run for me while I was in town for my sister-in-law's wedding. As usual I looked for an early morning spot for some big miles and am most pleased I found this.

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