[This is my Faith Post for February 2025.]
It was early in his earthly ministry that Jesus makes a public return to His hometown of Nazareth. One must certainly wonder what that relationship looked like with these citizens who had witnessed the growth and maturity of Jesus as He went from infant to boyhood and eventually manhood. They got to see the teenage Jesus, something the Scriptures leave out for the rest of us. What did they think of Him now that He returns as a man. And not just any man. He has a reputation with Him already. He is a miracle-worker, a great teacher. And for those of us who know the whole story, He is also the Messiah, the Christ, God in the flesh. Will the Nazarenes see that?
When Jesus joins the worshippers in the temple on the Sabbath in Nazareth He gets the privilege of reading from God's Word. He reads some beautiful and prophetic words from Isaiah 61. It goes without saying these words speak of Jesus Himself. Of particular interest to me in this writing is the phrase the ESV translates as "to proclaim liberty to the captives."
A wonderful thing to be sure. But what does it really mean? The NASB version happens to translate this as "to proclaim release to captives" (emphasis added). This use of the word release is rather fitting and I prefer it for its connotation over liberty here. As Americans liberty has such connection with freedom (rightfully so) and we hear it in such a way. Release speaks to a broader set of gifts that Jesus comes to bring all mankind. Release points us to the fuller meaning of the original Greek word used there. Release. Pardon. Full Forgiveness is what Jesus is giving to the captives. It's not just a civil liberty, it is a complete spiritual release and forgiveness. These are spectacular gifts of grace!
Jesus has come to proclaim a release for all those captive to sin, for all who are slaves to sin. He sets us free from the payment for sin and the Spirit enables us to never have to return to that sin. Released.
Jesus says He will bring recovery of sight to the blind. This is another release. Like all the healing miracles Jesus performs, whether it is hearing for the deaf, walking for the lame, sight for the blind. He brings them release from this earthly burden, whether it comes now for in the resurrection and eternity.
As Jesus goes about His ministry and all the fulfillment of prophecy, He is ultimately releasing creation and all of us in it from the curse of the fall, from our slavery to sin, and Jesus is restoring it all to a proper state of harmony with our Creator. Peace with God. A full dwelling in His presence as was once begun in paradise.
So now you might see, we are the captives who have liberty, we are the ones released from our bondage to sin. We are the blind who have been released to see the light of Christ and His truth. We are the poor in spirit who have now received the Spirit of God.
What a release, indeed!
To God be the glory.
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