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Monday, March 22, 2010

Tennessee Pass Snowshoeing (3/22/10)

Route Name: Tennessee Pass loop trails
A great idea of what the snow looked like. Thick enough
to make snowshoes useful in most places
Start Elevation: 10,441 ft.
Round-trip Mileage: 1.85 mi


We decided to explore the loop trail at Tennessee Pass on the snowshoes. This hike included Mark, Denny, Marcia, Luke, Jonah, Seth, Matt, and Joyce. We headed out around 10am to clear skies and a good amount of snow on the trails.
The loop trails at Tennessee Pass are mostly flat. Our elevation went up and down and did not vary by more than 100 feet over the 2 miles. Off trail the snow was several feet thick. Strangely enough, there were a few places on trail where the snow had melted through because of wear and tear.
Upon finishing our modest hike for the morning we picnic lunch-ed in the parking lot on a tarp we laid out in the parking lot. Still a beautiful day and clear skies!


Here is the track file from our hike:

My Track


Pulling into the parking lot at Tennessee Pass

I believe this is Homestake Peak

Papa giving Seth a ride, the little guy didn't do much snowshoeing

Joyce helping Luke along the trail. She was the official trekking pole holder for the day

The little guys got really good at getting the big guys to give them rides

Picnic in the parking lot

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